The emergency phone number is for urgent and emergency after hours maintenance or key lockout.
Whilst we hope your tenancy will be trouble free, situations may arise that require urgent attention. Should you need to call after hours, the emergency phone number is 0417 009 036 and is for after hours emergency repairs or key lockout. This phone number is diverted to the Property Manager on duty, so please do not text or leave messages. If the phone is not immediately answered please keep trying a couple of minutes thereafter in case the Property Manager is temporarily away from her phone.
Emergency items are generally those that could cause injury to the tenant or damage to the property, and may include:
- a burst water service or a serious water service leak
- a blocked or broken toilet (f there is only one toilet in the property)
- a serious roof leak
- a gas leak
- a dangerous electrical fault
- flooding or serious flood damage
- serious storm, fire or impact damage
- a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply
- a failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the property for hot water, cooking or heating
- a fault or damage that makes the property unsafe or insecure
- a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant
- a serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the property that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the property.
Emergency maintenance must be reported immediately. All emergencies must be phoned through to the office as soon as possible and then formalised online or in writing. If you have endeavoured to contact our office unsuccessfully for the required approval then it is requested that in such an emergency you refer to the front page of your lease and contact the nominated repairers listed.
WARNING: If you do not log your emergency maintenance, you may be liable for the tradespersons cost.